Don’t have enough time to prepare estimates? We’ve been helping contractors with their electrical estimating since 1975. With us, you only pay us when you use us. 

How Can We Help?

Electrical Resources understands that estimating is an overhead expense that does not earn you one cent of profit, but it is an essential part of your business. To get work you have to submit a bid price and to arrive at a bid price you have to prepare and estimate.

Estimating is time consuming and takes you away from where you earn a profit, which is in the field monitoring and controlling your on-going jobs.

We’ve prepared over 32,000 estimates of all sizes and type. Our electrical estimating fees are reasonable and we’re not part of your payroll. There’s no reason to hire a full-time estimator for a part-time job. Whenever you can lower your overhead, the end result is an increase in our profit.

Our Conditions

At Electrical Resources, we offer the best in electrical estimating services and software. When you choose us for your estimation needs, you are choosing the best in the business. WE do, however, have some conditions:

  • A deposit equal to, but not determined until the estimate is finished, of 50 percent of the estimating Fee is required with the plans and specifications. The balance per the Estimating Fee Schedule is due immediately via credit card payment before delivery of the estimate.
  • Each bid item that requires an estimate (base bid, alternates, break-outs) will be billed per the fee schedule.
  • Equipment and materials furnished by others but installed by Electrical Contractor will be given a value (but not added to estimate) to determine the total electrical work cost. The estimate will then be billed per the Estimating Fee Schedule.
  • Addenda(s) received while the estimate is in progress or after the estimate is completed will be processed and billed at the rate of $85 an hour.
  • The client is responsible for providing Electrical Resources, Inc. with the most current plans, specifications, and related information about the job to be estimated. The Client is responsible for obtaining all quotes required, reviewing the job conditions, and reviewing all material prices and labor units.

Electrical Estimating Fees Per Bid Range

Bid Range Fee
$0–$25,000 $475
25,000–50,000 $650
50,000-100,000 $950
100,000–200,000 $1,125
200,000–300,000 $1,275
300,000–400,000 $1,650
400,000–500,000 $2,250
500,000–750,000 $2,700
750,000–1,000,000 $3,300
1,000,000–1,500,000 $3,750
1,500,000–2,000,000 $4,800
2,000,000–2,500,000 $6,450
2,500,000–3,000,000 $7,350
3,000,000–3,500,000 $8,250
3,500,000–4,000,000 $9,750
4,000,000–4,500,000 $10,800
4,500,000–5,000,000 $12,300
5,000,000+ Call for fee
