Time & Material Billing > Creating a T&M Job

Adding Material Items and Labor to T&M


Add Items, Add Assemblies and Add Fixtures

To add material items to the T&M job, click Add Items, Add Assemblies or Add Fixtures. These features work identically to the procedures described in Creating Your Estimate. Total material dollars may also be entered directly to the material line in Recap.



Add Labor

To add labor hours to the T&M job, click Add Labor or go to Results. Select a Service Technician from the drop-down box, and select a date the work was completed. Tab over and enter the technician’s Reg. Hours worked, OT Hours worked and Travel Hours. If more than one technician worked the job, repeat the procedure on the second line. When completed, enter the beginning Invoice #. Subsequent numbers will automatically be consecutively numbered, but may be edited at any time.