Request for Quote > Creating a Request for Quote

Applying a Vendor Quote to the Estimate


To apply the vendor’s prices, hold down the Cntrl key and click the blue box to the left of the items to be included. Next, select the vendor from the list in the lower-left corner on the window and click Apply Vendor Price. The Ext. Cost column displays the extended cost of the selected material. The Total Quote box displays the total cost of the selected material. The vendor’s prices will automatically update the material items in the Estimate Summary, and the vendor’s names will be tagged to those line items.


To remove previously applied vendor prices, hold down the Cntrl key and click the blue box to the left of the items to be removed. Next, select the vendor from the list in the lower-left corner on the window and click Remove Vendor Price. The extended costs are reset to zero.


To enter a vendor’s lump sum quote, hold down the Cntrl key and click the blue box to the left of the items to be included. Next, select the vendor from the list in the lower-left corner on the window and click Lump Sum Quote. Enter the amount, click Apply Vendor Price and click OK in the Lump Sum Quote window.


Although the lump sum quote will be prorated across the items selected, the actual quote is being applied appropriately to the estimate.



To generate a purchase order from a request for quote, select a vendor from the list in the lower-left corner on the window and click Generate PO. See the Purchase Order chapter for more information on creating a PO.